Monday, October 22, 2012

"Cake & Tacos, that's what Maryland does!"

Marybeth & I

It's me!

Great weekend! Accountability Sunday has me down 2 lbs and inches haven't really changed much. But I'll take the pound loss! I messed up with P90x, not doing it all 6 days, so I'm starting fresh from scratch today. I ended up missing Friday & missing Sunday, so let me try this again!

This weekend was a blast. Got to go to my friend Kim's wedding in Baltimore and see a bunch of friends in the process, too much fun! That is where the lovely quote came from in my title. When a few of us hang out, we end up with way too many "catch phrases". I can't even blame it on the drinking because the next morning was filled with just as many sayings. Can't wait for single ladies night out next month, should be a blast!

Sabrina, Me, Marybeth & Kim (the bride!)

Speaking of single ladies, I mentioned in my last post that I joined Ok Cupid and my god it is so overwhelming! Nice guys, weird guys, no photo guys are messaging me. I never would have thought I'd have this much response so quickly. Go Me I guess! But part of me is so confused on what to say/do/act. I mean... I know to just be myself, obviously. But I just feel so inexperienced with dating and all that I am scared shitless, no lie. So cross your fingers for me guys, I have a feeling the next few weeks will be very interesting! Hopefully I don't make too much of a fool out of myself! And if I do, I hope I get a good story out of it so I can share it with my friends. If nothing else this bit of fun will be a hilarious experience!!!

*UPDATE* I found my new slim girl drink! Vodka, Soda water, splash of cranberry, & extra lime. SO GOOD!

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