Sunday, October 28, 2012


Me & Kelsey  - Oct 2012
Apparently there is a hurricane headed this way, who knew?! Just kidding, I've known since Friday lol. Clearly I have not been watching the news lately because apparently people have known it was headed this way for over a week? Oh well, I know now! Hopefully everyone stays safe, and hopefully it is just a little rain and no power outages!!
So... it's Sunday. I weighed in and I am down in total, 9lbs since October 1st so I am down to 239lbs. Not as much as I wanted it to be, but I'll take it. So... as of now... I am down a total of 47lbs, absolutely crazy! Inches wise... since October 1st, I am down! I am in a smaller size jean and my tops are all much more loose than before. So I guess 9lbs goes a long way. I do think that I have built up a lot more muscle though since I've been doing p90x and just lifting small weights.

Here are my inch changes for the month of October:
Bust: down .75 inch
Waist: down 2.25 inches
Hips: down .75 inch (damn hips! lol)
Arms: down .5 inch each
Thighs: down 2 inches each
Butt: down 2 inches
I'm so happy with that, I'm equally happy that my bust didn't change that much... don't judge me, I like my bigger chest!

It's crazy, losing weight... I know I'm losing and I can see it happening but it's still weird, I can't explain it. I know... confusing!
Today I'm spending the day going through clothes and getting rid of the pants that are too big, and even the shirts! I refuse to hold on to them... because really I feel like if I keep them then I'll need them and there is no way in hell I'm going to gain weight and end up in them again.
I was trying on old jeans last night and I fit in my Apple Bottom Jeans & American Eagle jeans that I couldn't even move above my knees the past couple years. I can't even explain the smile that was on my face. One day soon, they'll be too big!

Can't wait to see the changes after November is over!!!! Stay tuned <3

Monday, October 22, 2012

"Cake & Tacos, that's what Maryland does!"

Marybeth & I

It's me!

Great weekend! Accountability Sunday has me down 2 lbs and inches haven't really changed much. But I'll take the pound loss! I messed up with P90x, not doing it all 6 days, so I'm starting fresh from scratch today. I ended up missing Friday & missing Sunday, so let me try this again!

This weekend was a blast. Got to go to my friend Kim's wedding in Baltimore and see a bunch of friends in the process, too much fun! That is where the lovely quote came from in my title. When a few of us hang out, we end up with way too many "catch phrases". I can't even blame it on the drinking because the next morning was filled with just as many sayings. Can't wait for single ladies night out next month, should be a blast!

Sabrina, Me, Marybeth & Kim (the bride!)

Speaking of single ladies, I mentioned in my last post that I joined Ok Cupid and my god it is so overwhelming! Nice guys, weird guys, no photo guys are messaging me. I never would have thought I'd have this much response so quickly. Go Me I guess! But part of me is so confused on what to say/do/act. I mean... I know to just be myself, obviously. But I just feel so inexperienced with dating and all that I am scared shitless, no lie. So cross your fingers for me guys, I have a feeling the next few weeks will be very interesting! Hopefully I don't make too much of a fool out of myself! And if I do, I hope I get a good story out of it so I can share it with my friends. If nothing else this bit of fun will be a hilarious experience!!!

*UPDATE* I found my new slim girl drink! Vodka, Soda water, splash of cranberry, & extra lime. SO GOOD!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hard to Love

I can't believe it is the middle of October already, time is just flying by. Part of me wishes time was going slowly so I can enjoy it more but at the same time I like that it's passing quickly right now so I can get to where I want to be faster. So last time I updated, I mentioned I would be starting Insanity. Well I ended up starting P90x because that was more available to me (for free). So I'm almost a full week in and so far so good. I'm pretty sore though!! But I'm going to do the full 90 days, so I guess I'll be done in mid January. So since I forgot to weigh & measure in, I'll do it Sunday and update the blog. Stuff seems to be changing a bit still so hopefully there has been some downward movement.

I put a picture from last weekend up because I feel like you can see changes in my face still and maybe even a bit in my waist (in the above pic)... or maybe I'm imagining things! We'll see once Sunday comes with the scale! Saturday night I went downtown with 2 friends and we went to Bond Street Social in Fells Point which I have never been to. It was a pretty chill place, we got a pitcher of the white wine sangria and it was delish! The food they serve is tapas style and what we had was pretty good!

I did a crazy thing and joined Ok Cupid. I don't know what I'm looking for, or even how long I'll keep the profile up. But maybe I'll meet some cool people. I am not even looking for something serious but figured what the hell. I signed up on Friday night and plan to keep it up for at least 2 weeks and see what happens. I've already been messaged a bunch and some of them have been quite interesting. But there has been a few guys that seem decent. Some of them are pretty creepy though, lol. If nothing else it is pretty entertaining!!

On Saturday I have a job interview for part time work at JC Penny. I also got a call back from Kohls yesterday and he asked me to call him this afternoon. So I'll try to set up an interview with him as well. I'm not sure which I would prefer, maybe Kohls since it isn't in the mall? Either would work for me though, I'll take what I can get at this point. I talked to the guy that manges the CVS down the street from my house and he is about to hire some Pharmacy technicians part time and I've applied so he said he would call me once the positions are open. That would be most ideal because it is the closest to my house and its not clothing retail.

I'm really excited because one of my good friends from college is getting married Saturday night!! I'm so excited for her and can't believe it's happening! Crazy how time flies. Should be a lot of fun though, especially because everyone will be there!!!! A few of us are sharing a hotel afterwards so it will definitely be a good night! Pictures to come :-)

& I can't stop listening to country music today... it's just one of those days. Which explains the title of the blog. <3

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hump day!

Me, Last week

It's hump day, woo hoo! I only have today and tomorrow left in my work week. This week I agreed to work 4 ten hour days instead of 5 eight hour days, giving me Friday off! It is a bit difficult only because I have had to pack & prepare more food for myself to get me until 630 rather than 430. I took my measurements on Sunday, and I am down 1/2 an inch in my thighs and 1 1/2 inches in my waist. The other measurements have changed a bit but not as good as thighs & waist. Moving down! I'm going to start insanity on Sunday, which makes me think I am crazy. But I need to add more so that is what I'm adding. I may do P90x, but I'm thinking I'll do insanity. A friend of mine has both for me to put on a jump drive, so I may take both and then take a look at both. She is doing p90x and another friend is doing Insanity. They each like them so I'll have to play around with both to see which I prefer. I have 8 weeks left to lose 17lbs. Uh oh... that makes me nervous. But I think it's totally possible! That is about 2lbs a week, and especially if I add in Insanity/P90X while sticking to the clean eating I think it will work! I think my calorie count is usually 1100-1450/day, occasionally more but usually that's the average. But I feel like I'm eating a lot, I guess the small meals 6 times a day is working, keeps me full & energized.
I feel like I've cheated, I have drank cofee twice this week. I had coffee with sugar free vanilla creamer, which isn't too bad. But I'm allowed to have it, I just have been not drinking it or any caffeine for that matter. Just lots and lots of water. This weekend I'm going out Fri & Sat nights, and I still need to figure out my healthy "drink". I think I decided to go with Vodka, Soda, & lime. We'll see!

So in my last post, I was talking about the Fallen series. Oh My God! I finished the fourth book last night and as corny as I may sound... I have never cried reading a book, but I was crying! I'm such a sap but seriously read them! I am such a book whore, I need to get to the library and stop buying books on my Nook App because it's adding up. I bought all 4 of the fallen this week which was $42 in itself. I also read 2 other books that I bought. So really, library needs to happen! I think I'll hit it up Friday since I have off! How many books can you check out at once? :-)

Monday, October 8, 2012


First things first, i weighed & measured in yesterday. I am down one pound and the inches seemed to move a bit. My diet was the same but I didn't go as hard exercising as I should have last week, so I know where my errors are. But the scale is still moving, which is good for me!

I've been thinking alot about fate and all. I used to not believe in soul mates, or destiny and all that. I'm reconsidering my position. I haven't met anyone that has caused this change, no person has rocked my world and made me reconsider. So though I haven't officially become a believer I know I hope that it is true. I think that every person should be able to have a love that consumes you. Maybe I've been watching too many chick flicks or reading far too many books (I blame the Fallen series I've been reading this week). But I know that I've never had that with any of my past relationships and I'm not upset about that, I just wonder... is it possible? I see a lot of relationships that my friends are in and I believe that some of them are with the person that is made for them. They just fit together so well. I hope that all of the people from my past relationships find true love or their soul mates, and some of them already have!

The Fallen series, if you haven't read it is quite good. I am about to start the 4th book. It is a young adult series so it is a quick read, but it is different than what I've read in the past. Of course it has that powerful love story that all the books have, but the situation is different than anything I've read thus far. There are no vampires, no witches... but there is something else. I don't want to put out a spoiler, so I'll contain myself. But give it a go.. the series is by Lauren Kate. These books probably sparked all of this thinking I've been doing on the fate/soul mate thing, crazy books!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Midnight thoughts

I'm not sure why I am still up... since I've started my cleanly eating and workout regimen, I've been making sure to be in bed around 10pm every night if possible. But here I am, it's 11:45pm and I'm still awake. I am ready for bed but I have a lot running through my mind. A lot of which I will never share on here, no offense to my readers but it's too personal for my blog. It's funny with weight loss, because I don't know if it is just my own self destructive ways, but I find myself not believing that I'm losing weight. I see the numbers decreasing and sure I notice things fitting differently, etc. But there is this part of me that doubts it all. It's pretty ridiculous actually.

 But tonight I found myself realizing little things. Like how I can see my wrist bone clearly and I don't think I could before... it's more defined now. Or how my thighs look smaller and my knee bone is more defined. And then I realize that it has to be true. I just can't picture myself the way I looked 40lbs ago, and I dunno what the hell will be going through my mind when I'm 40 more lbs lighter. It's just weird, hard to accept as it goes along I guess. Don't misunderstand my words, I am so happy with the way things are going and the loss that is happening, it's just hard to process sometimes I guess. I'm not sure that any of this made sense, and maybe if there is anyone reading who has lost weight like this or who is losing weight... maybe you understand what I'm saying? LOL I'm just trying to keep up with all of it I guess!

So please excuse my late night rant if it made no sense to you! I'll be up at 5:35am doing a jog through the neighborhood with my pup, I'm sure he'll love me for waking him up super early! Tonight I'm listening to "She's so mean" by Matchbox Twenty AND "Collide" by Leona Lewis & Avicii. Check out the videos below! Goodnight!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

October, wow!

Okay well it's October, can't believe Summer has come and gone. I have some number updates! Apparently I've been working with a freaky scale, or my body is just doing freaky things, I'm not sure.

Me - Sept 2012

But here we go... it's accountability time for me. Since March 2012, I have lost 38lbs -CRAZY! Since August 30th I have lost 22lbs. Now most of this time, I was not actively working out or consistently eating better. There was a brief stint in April when I was doing spin classes, and such but I think that from June 1st until now, I've lost the majority of that 38lbs, especially September -present. For about a month now, I've been scared to get on the scale, saying I'm only going to do it every two weeks etc. I changed my mind, I am doing it every Sunday as well as measuring my arms, bust, waist, hips, butt, thighs, & calves. I want to see the numbers every week to see what's changing. Attached are three pictures. The picture of me blonde in a black & white tube dress is from March 2012, The picture of me in a multicolored dress (& sunglasses on my head) is from June 2012, & the picture of me with the pink beads is from a few weeks ago (sept 2012). Can you see a difference? I think I can, but I'm not really sure, especially since they're not all full body shots. But at least you can see for yourself.
Me - June 2012
Ok so my weight as of September 30 is showing a 14lb change since Aug 30. I think that it may be a little lower, I am a bit bloated right now due to my period but we'll see next week. So there has either been a stand still or some muscle gain over the past two weeks, I'm not sure. But regardless, I'm pushing on. I have 2 full months and a few days to lose 18lbs, but I might as well push it to 20lbs again, so I'm going for 221lbs or less by December 8.

My measurements, I have not been vigilant about taking them either, my fault. But now they will be taken every Sunday along with my weight. I had been to an itworks wrap party in June (where they measured me), and I don't have all my numbers in front of me (Oops, I'm blogging from work). But from memory, there has been a 2inch change in my bust since June and a 4.5 inch change in my hips since June. I'm not sure of the rest (and if I find I was incorrect, I will edit this tonight).

Progress, it makes me happy to know that things are moving along! This weekend I was trying on some clothes, and though my sizes haven't changed too much yet, I am noticing that my clothes are fitting better and more comfortably. Dresses are definitely fitting better. I tried on a dress I wore for a formal event in Vegas in March and it fit significantly better. I think a lot of the weight I've lost so far has come off in my chest-neck area, as weird as that may sound. I figured out what I'm wearing to my friends wedding on October 20th and it fits pretty well now, so hopefully it will be even better then. It is a dress I picked up at JC Penny a few months ago and it is an XL. Now as girls, we all know that sizing is different everywhere. But this dress was a bit tight in the straps and chest area and now that part is fitting great. But I won't be complaining if it is too loose later this month, I'll just have to pick up something better & smaller! We shall see!

Sometimes I start thinking of how much left I have to lose, but then I try to focus on the small goals I've made and it is much less overwhelming. And I definitely have been getting mad at myself for letting myself get to where I am/was. But those are only negative thoughts that are brining me down, and I've made a commitment to myself to try and be more positive. So I'm not going there and it doesn't really matter anyways why and how I got to where I was. It's all about where I'm going now, which is definitely in the opposite direction.