Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rainy Day Blues... or Pinks... or Greens....

So this post isn't really me being a downer, just me thinking about some things and of course I was thinking these things on a rainy gross day! I started wondering to myself if some people aren't meant to be in a relationship or have a "great love". Obviously, I started wondering this about myself and it led to me thinking if maybe just some people in general are supposed to be single [single & fabulous, of course]. I like being single, don't get me wrong. But with my 27th birthday approaching fast [in December, hah], I thought that I would have found my "great love" by now so that I could have kids and such at this time in life. After talking with a few friends, I've realized maybe my "to do" list just needs to be thrown out the window so I can just live. I can live and let whatever is going to happen, happen. I need not be concerned with what didn't work out or what hasn't happened yet. So as of today, May 7th... I am declaring that I will just live. I will live and try to stop thinking about everything so much. And I will try to stop being concerned with things I have no control over.  And through living, I'll get everything I never knew I wanted.... at least that's the plan.

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