Friday, November 9, 2012

Photo Update

Ok so I had some spare time tonight so I decided to take some full body pictures and compare them to full body pictures from before my weight loss journey started. I'm almost down 50lbs so see for yourself! Excuse my worn look, I only got like 4.5 hours of sleep last night! Tsk tsk, a big part of the success to weight loss is getting a full nights sleep, oops! 

The before pics are a bit random, but I didn't take any before shots when I originally started (which I kind of regret). So the ones below are all really random! But still gives the gist! I'm going out this weekend with some friends and I'm planning to take a crap ton of pictures, full body too! But these taken with the help of my mirror will have to do for now! Hopefully the pics below show the differences that I see!

Can't wait for the next set of before & afters!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your success!