Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I am thankful...

I am tired, so tired. I got home from work last night around 11:40pm and I went straight to bed! I woke up early this morning around 5:30am and went for a long walk in the neighborhood, up and down the large hill for added exercise. Showered & went to work. I'm here until 4:30pm and then I'm at Kohls from 6pm-12:30am. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and so I started to think of what I'm thankful for. Some of these thanks are quite meaningful and others are completely random, but I'm still thankful. for them!

1. My family. I feel like grouping them in one post may not be the right choice. However, I am so incredibly thankful for them. My mom, dad, brother Ryan, & sister Kelsey. I do not know what I would do if they weren't in my life. We all may not always get along, and I'll go ahead and admit that 60% of that is usually my fault but I wouldn't have it any other way.

2. Kelsey. Yes she does fall into family but she also gets her own post.
Is it possible to have a best friend that is 14 years younger than you? I think so, maybe a different type of friend. We may not share the stories that we share with our friends our own age. I may not share dating or bar stories with her and she does not always share the middle school drama & boy crush things with me. But we can completely be ourselves around eachother without worry or judgement. Because let me tell you, girls are so judgemental at any age. We have a standing evening activity of watching old episodes of Gilmore Girls. And we just belt out the opening song together every time, and it's something I look forward to every week. I don't know what we'll do when we reach the end of the series! LOL We can just hang and lounge and I guess that's what having a sister is like. I just only re-discovered it this summer, especially because she is at an age where we can do this. 10 years ago, when I was 16, she was only 2 so it was more me hanging out with her watching Monsters, Inc. and no one was chatting with the other. Anyways, without rambling anymore, I just am so thankful for her. And her advice, when I can ask it, is so incredibly simple and perfect.

3. Megan. I feel like I am extra thankful for Megan recently. I was a shitty friend for a few years, for various reasons but I'm so happy that we've been hanging out again. I don't think I ever laugh quite as hard as I do when with her. We both say some of the craziest shit when we're together, especially if we've been drinking. And we can talk about anything, and when I say anything... I mean ANYTHING. LOL there is nothing reserved about any of our conversations. I'm not being a shitty friend ever again. Sticking to the mantra "Chicks before Dicks"!!!!!!

4. My friends as a whole. I've really realized how as I've gotten older. Quality of friends has become so much more important that quantity. I have a good group of girlfriends I can really rely on.
Sadaf is a newish friend, we've been friends now for about a year and because we work together and spend 40 hours a week around eachother, I'd say we are really good friends only because she knows EVERYTHING. Lol. It's amazing how you can have a friend so quickly and they know you as well if not better than someone you've known 10 years!
Megan was already mentioned but she goes along with this group of girls... Megan, Kim, Marybeth, & Sabrina. I've had a lot of fun with these ladies the past few months. And going back to what I said before... I'm not being a shitty friend anymore. Some of the four are closer than others, but I really enjoy spending time with them and feel like we can talk about anything together and can relate very well to each others current situations!
Phil... Oh Phil! Though you are away in another country, I am still thankful for you! Though we're not talking that much on a serious level right now.. I know that if I did need you as a listening ear or if I needed you for anything at all... you'd be there for me. And I am very thankful for that! Paris 2013, yeahhh!

I have a few other friends that I'm very thankful for as well.. you know who you are :)

5. Jobs.. yeah I'm thankful for them... whatever. On to the next..
6.Newman! Yes I am so thankful for my little love bug. He is the bun to my burger, the pen to my paper, the french to my fry... you get it! I love that little ass, he's the best dog a girl could ask for!
7.My life. I am so thankful for my life.. don't know what else to say about it...
8. Charlie Humnam.. yep. That's it.. just thankful for him and for FX for allowing me to look at him every Tuesday night.

I thought I had a lot more.. but it seems that is it for now. Perhaps some more will come to me later and I can add to this tonight or tomorrow.
Have a happy thanksgiving everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 19, 2012


 I am in disbelief that Thanksgiving is already around the corner! I am having a hard time with the fact that almost 6 full months have gone by since I've moved home, etc. And I'm almost 3 full months into my weight loss journey or whatever you want to call it. Crazy how time flies!

I weighed and measured in yesterday, and I'm a bit bloated this week but it looks like I'm down 3 pounds. But I didn't weigh in last week. I need to invest in a digital scale, because the one I've been using is old school!!!

With thanksgiving coming up on Thursday, I was thinking about what I'm going to eat, etc. I think that I've planned it out in my head. White meat turkey, green bean casserole (if there is any), salad (if there is any), and yeah depending on what other veggies are there I'll add those. But I know I won't be eating any potatoes, sweet potatoes, stuffing, bread, pie, desert, etc. Keep it away from my side of the table! LOL.

I've become more narcissistic if you will, as I take tons of "selfie" pics these days. I often find myself just taking snapshots of myself in the car, in my room, watching TV, at a friends house, at the bars, on my couch. It's a bit ridiculous, but I think that means I'm getting more comfortable in my own skin... hopefully not too comfortable because I still have a ways to go. Pretty funny when my sister catches me taking pictures of myself, oops! This picture to the top right, of me sitting on the couch. I look at my legs and they look so much smaller than they used to. I know I'm cray, but that's alright with me :) The pic a little above to the left is before my workout the other day Gotta love the pink danskin stuff from walmart, my favorite work out stuff b/c it's so cheap. So with my sizes changing, I don't mind buying it because pants, shirts, & jackets are only like $8-$20 a piece. When I look at that picture, I see more jaw definition and more dimples, etc in my cheeks.

I think going through a quarter life crisis this year LOL. As I approach my 22nd bday (aka 26... but shh), I realize where I am in life and how I feel far behind. I know it's not true, whatever, but can't help how you feel. Anyways, I'm planning to go out on my birthday and whether it is just me and one friend or me and 20 friends, I'm  DETERMINED to have an unforgettable night. Not because it is my birthday, I am going to celebrate my 6 months and my 3 months. My 6 months after making my decision to be single, and my 3 months of losing weight. So I know that it will be EPIC regardless!! Here's to me!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Photo Update

Ok so I had some spare time tonight so I decided to take some full body pictures and compare them to full body pictures from before my weight loss journey started. I'm almost down 50lbs so see for yourself! Excuse my worn look, I only got like 4.5 hours of sleep last night! Tsk tsk, a big part of the success to weight loss is getting a full nights sleep, oops! 

The before pics are a bit random, but I didn't take any before shots when I originally started (which I kind of regret). So the ones below are all really random! But still gives the gist! I'm going out this weekend with some friends and I'm planning to take a crap ton of pictures, full body too! But these taken with the help of my mirror will have to do for now! Hopefully the pics below show the differences that I see!

Can't wait for the next set of before & afters!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Anything Could Happen

So I have a few things to update on today but of course yesterday I forgot to weigh & measure in so I'll do that tonight! And as always, sharing some of my favorite new pinterest pics, today is quotes.

I took a part time job at Kohls and started on Saturday for orientation. I go back for day one of training on Tuesday night. So it will be a long day, working until 430pm and then at Kohls at 6pm-10pm. Fun stuff! I think I'll be working on average 15 hours a week and getting paid every Friday that will give me at least $100 each week. That will cover gas and spending money for the most part. So the plan is that my full time income will all go towards my loans. And I'll put a little into savings to save for some things I am doing next year.

My weekend was pretty busy, Friday night I had a date and then met up with a friend for drinks. Saturday morning included my Kohls orientation and then I came home for a long unexpected nap. Then I spent the evening getting things ready for Sunday's vendor show for Pure Romance. I was putting together goodie bags, etc and getting my stock and all ready. I realized how badly I need more organization in my life, especially with all the pure romance things. So that's now on my to do list. The vendor show was a good time, bought some scentsy products for the first time so I can't wait to get those plugged in! We got a good amount of contacts for parties & new clients and sold some products as well. Had a lot of fun working it with Sarah, always a good time when we get together, lots of laughs!

Let me jump back to Friday night. Without going into too much detail, I will just say that this was my first "date" in almost 6 years! All in all I think it went well, if nothing else it was practice for the next one. But I was a bottle of nerves for no reason. I felt like I was 16 or something, it was insanity. I'm not going to divulge anymore details on that but figured I'd share a little bit.

So a quick update on my goals, one of my first goals was to lose 20 lbs by my birthday (dec 8). And so I have about 9lbs to go in 5 weeks (now I don't know it may be less, didn't weigh in yesterday). I think that is completely doable, maybe I'll do better than that! Wooo hoo! I have to figure out how to reward myself for meeting that goal!!!!

Until next time...