Friday, April 12, 2013


So I stumbled upon some pictures from March & May of 2012, before any real weight loss started so I guess you could say I was at my heaviest. The heaviest I remember weighing in on a scale was 286lbs. I could have been heavier than that... I dunno. Right now I'm sitting at about 225lbs, down 61lbs (maybe more if I got higher than 286). These pictures are haunting me. I never saw myself as that heavy, I mean wow. Looking at them I realize how big I was but I didn't think I was big at the time!!! It's amazing how your brain can trick you. Like seriously trick you! I'm just shocked I think to see it because I didn't let myself be apart of many pictures at that point. I had dropped about 20-30lbs before I let anyone get a pic of me lol.
I know I have a ways to go, but I guess I am halfway there. I would like to lose another 50-60lbs. But I just needed to take this moment to go whoaaa. o cheers to me I guess, I've come this far. A little over halfway there. These pics are my motivation, for sure.

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