Time is flying by! It's already April, wow!!
Weight loss update: Over the holidays, I gained about 10lbs, then lost 20lbs, so really I'm just down 10lbs since my last update aka January. But I'm kicking things back into gear and eating clean again! I'm getting back to exercising but I've been having to take it easy so far this month. I'll explain why in a bit.
So lots has been happening since my last post, which was like 3 months ago basically. Oops, sorry!
I have made some decisions recently for my future which I'm excited about. I'm going to start taking some classes this fall to head towards being a Nurse or a Physicians Assistant. Still need to hammer out details and where I'll be going, etc. But I'm one step in the right direction! I also am hoping to move back out this summer. A friend of mine has bought a condo (Yeyy congrats!) and since it is a 2 bedroom 2 bath, she wants to rent to a roommate. So I'm excited for that. I love my family and all, but I think I'd prefer to be living out of the house.
So in mid march, I started having a terrible headache and stomach issues. Went to the doctor and he said it was a migraine and thats why I was having stomach trouble so he ordered me a CT of the brain. So that was scheduled, well then I started to get worse.. my throat started to swell and I was becoming really tired and had no energy. So I went back to the doctor and they did a strep test which was negative, then a blood test. Turned out I had Mono!!! Whaaaaaaat? Lol... well I took off work one day and then went back the next because I thought I was okay and better. Things went from ehh to worse in a matter of 12 hours. By the time I got home that day I started to get a fever upwards of 101-102 degrees. So I was taking a fever reducer. Well then my tonsils started to swell like crazy. I'm talking they were so big they were touching eachother. I didn't go back to work and slept through the weekend, barely eating or drinking. By Tuesady, I wasn't back at work but I knew I needed to go to the Doctor again. Went to urgent care and they sent me to the ER because they thought my tonsils needed to be drained, ew. So I'm in the ER and they're pumping fluids into me because I was so dehydrated. When they weighed me, I had lost 17lbs in 12 days. They put a pain killer into my IV and steroids. And then put me on a perscription of steroids. I was out of work the rest of the week, but the steroids helped a bunch! My tonsil swelling went down, making me able to actually drink water without dying lol! I missed a total of 7 days of work, ugh! But now I'm feeling much better, getting sleepy really easily but that's it. So March pretty much blew towards the end there! Doc said I need to avoid strenuous activity for a few weeks, and that I need to take it easy in general. So I haven't been able to jump start my exercising again quite yet. I've been walknig a little, but haven't run, though I'm sure I'd be okay if I did. Thanks to mono for jump starting my weight loss again though, I guess! Lol
I'm sure I have lots of other stuff I could touch on since I haven't posted since January, but most of it seems irrelevant at this point. I'm looking forward to April & May. Lots of fun stuff going on!
I'll post again soon, won't wait 3 months this time! <3