Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Big Plans*

Halfway through January of 2013! So far this month, I have been sick with a crazy virus, had a flat tire, had to purchase a new tire, and more. What a month so far! The rest of the month should be fun but hopefully I won't be sick anymore! I'm still getting over my "virus" (according to DR. it wasn't the flu) and it sucks! I'm sneezing like crazy today. But anyways, this weekend I have a bridal show for Pure Romance & I have a date. Next weekend I have Marybeth's birthday party, then lunch with the girls at Wine Market for Restaurant Week.
February should be fun as well! I have a few Pure Romance parties scheduled, Bridesmaid dress shopping for Kristina's wedding, and Deep Creek at the end of February with 11 other crazy people, I can't wait! I am also looking forward to some Valentines Day plans with my single ladies, I hope that works out, could be very fun!
I've been thinking about some of my goals, I have a tendency to get stuck thinking about how far I have to go and that can be overwhelming. I like this quote that says "Focus on how far you've come, not how far you have to go." That is so true! I need to kick my exercising back into gear and shred some more pounds! I also need to get my finances into check! I need to create a budget and stick to it as well as I can. I have a lot of things coming up that I need to have money for, so this fucking around with my money thing isn't going to fly. Student loans are still my number one priortiy, but I want to save a little bit too, and spend very little! I need to kick Pure Romance into gear and get more parties booked OR look at another part time job option. I was considering taking some classes this semester (like anatomy & physiology) so that I can get to grad school, but I haven't got my shit together fast enough, I don't think. Classes would start in a week or two and I don't have the finances together or anything yet... but maybe it's still an option.. not sure. Those are some classes I didn't have to take for my undergrad, but for the programs I'm looking at, I would need them.
I joined a website my friend Marybeth shared with me. It's a website to show your goals, etc. Take a look at my profile and feel free to share any big or small goal ideas. I have a list of stuff I'd like to do before 2015, and I'm supposed to list 101 things but I only have a few right now... I need a little help finishing the list :)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


"Be very careful about what you think, your thoughts run your life" - Proverbs 4:23

It's 2013, I sit here thinking about what to write about since it's been a week or two since my last post and I started reflecting on all of 2012. My life is completely different since then and I love it. This year was the one of the saddest years and one of the happiest years of my life so far. I was completely broken in the middle of 2012, and part of me still is a little bit, but I'm slowly piecing myself together and it is wonderful. I've started my weight loss journey and it's finally for me, and it will continue into 2013. I am single and sometimes it is so hard to be single, but it's how I need to be right now, no regrets.
There are so many things I want for myself in the future... but I have a few I'd like to accomplish in 2013. I wouldn't say they are resolutions, because I have never made any in the past because I honestly think they are dumb, and they are hardly completed. So my things I want, are really just dreams and I hope they come true :)
-I plan to complete my weight loss goals and get to my goal weight, and I will be getting a tattoo once that is complete... ideas to come.
-I want to be happy more often, just because.
-I will to go back to school.
-I wish to move back out on my own, possibly with roommates.
-I hope to say No less, and say Yes more.
-I will make 2013 the best year yet.

For so long growing up, church, my faith, and my religion took up a decent part of my life. I went to church and Sunday school on Sundays, did small group bible studies, and went to youth group on Wednesdays. At a certain point after high school, I dropped it all. There were a lot of reasons why this happened, and I'm not going to discuss them here. But I will say that I have started a daily devotional and have decided to make my way through the Bible again. I'm not saying everything is the same as it was, nor am I saying that I will be going back to Church. However, I am searching for something that I lost back then, and I hope that I can find it.

I've been browsing Pinterest again, and I've found some more quotes that I love so here are some of the new ones. 

"If your thighs don't jiggle, go see a doctor" -Miley Cyrus

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -Mark Twain

"When you have to make a hard decision; Flip a Coin. Why? Because when the coin is in the air, you suddenly know what you're hoping for."

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are" -Kurt Cobain

"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love." -Marilyn Monroe